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Seat selection on map [Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne | 12.02.2025 - 19:00 | Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas] - Vidy
Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas
Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas
Salle 64, Charles ApothélozThéâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas
Tiago Rodrigues
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Salle 64, Charles ApothélozThéâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Playwright and director Tiago Rodrigues revives his Chekhov-style period production of a contemporary family and political drama: for decades, a Portuguese family dedicated to fighting fascism has been meeting in the countryside. Every summer, one member of the family takes it in turns to ritually murder a fascist. This year, everything is ready, the victim is designated, and it is the eldest daughter’s turn to carry out the deed. But she rejects violence as a means of action. Dissension within the clan – although bolstered by the same convictions – erupts between the generations, between those who have moved to the city and those who have stayed in the country. The populist, on the other hand, has no such hesitations... A powerful and wonderfully portrayed story that lucidly observes the rise of populism in Europe and the people who are trying to resist it, questioning our relationship with violence.
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